Monthly Archives: February 2018

How do Kali altars work in Spelunky?

Kali altars are altars which are covered in blood. These can be found in almost any level except for Olmec’s lair, King Yama’s lair and bonus levels that are not the Haunted castle. If an altar is destroyed the player will lose favor with Kali. If enough of this favor is lost then Kali will inflict punishments such as summoning spiders, a ball and chain or a ghost that can instantly kill you.

You can also place knocked out or dead creatures on the altar to sacrifice them to Kali. If you sacrifice enough creatures Kali can reward the player with items like a cape, jet pack, compass, spectacles, spiked shoes, climbing gloves, bomb paste, spring shoes, a bomb box and a pitchers mitt. It is also possible to be given the Kapala an item that collects blood from enemies to restore your character’s health. Another possible reward from the altar is invigoration which gives 8 health to the player character.

Creatures that can be used for a sacrifice include mantraps, shopkeepers, black knights, yetis, hawk men, scorpion, devils, spelunkers, damsels, hired hands, scorpion flies, tiki men, Vlad, cavemen and vampires. Different creatures are worth different amounts when they are put on the altar.

Damsels, hired hands, spelunkers and the black knight are worth 8 points when alive and 4 points as corpses. Shopkeepers, hawk men and scorpion flies all are worth 6 while living, hawk men and shopkeepers give you 3 when dead (scorpion flies don’t have corpses to use). Scorpions and yetis obtain you 4 points when in a living state, yetis also give 2 favor when dead (scorpions don’t leave a dead body). Devils, tiki men, cavemen, vlad, vampires and mantraps give 2 points when alive, devils, tiki men and cavemen give the player 1 point when they are dead (vampires, mantraps and vlad don’t have corpses upon death).